Bamboo Decking

Bamboo Decking

Bamboo Decking

Although giant bamboo is not formally a wood, but a grass, it has excellent hardwood characteristics: it is very hard and durable. This means that bamboo decking can be used in high-traffic applications. Due to the composition of the individual strips, moso bamboo shrinks and swells less than most solid wood species, providing a very stable solution.

From an environmental point of view, it is a sustainable and environmentally friendly material.


Resistance to the elements

Low heat absorption

Resistant to scratches and stains.

Natural aesthetics

Natural renewal


Grooved Tawny
Smooth Tawny
Grooved Ruby
Smooth Ruby 


layers of deck floor
1 - Oil
2 - Ruler made of pressed bamboo fibers
Bamboo Nature Decking
1860x139x20 mm
more information

It's important to remember that, despite the pre-finish, bamboo products used outdoors require regular maintenance to extend their useful life. Cleaning, reapplication of protective oils and periodic inspections are necessary to keep bamboo in good condition and resistant to the outside environment. With proper care, bamboo can be an excellent sustainable choice for products used outdoors.